Labor Dispute/Boycott

Labor Dispute/Boycott

Avoid boycotted hotels and reference our “at risk” list to be aware of properties that are at risk of a future labor dispute.  Be aware that this list only reflects the present status of union hotels across North America. To avoid the prospect of labor conflict during your stay at a hotel, insist on protective contractual language when you make a reservation or organize an event.

Hyatt Regency Santa Clara
5101 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, CA
Kimpton La Peer West Hollywood
627 N. La Peer Drive, West Hollywood, CA
LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes
501 N Main St, Los Angeles, CA
Langham Huntington Hotel
1401 S. Oak Knoll, Pasadena, CA
Marriott Albany
189 Wolf Rd, Albany, NY
Marriott Albuquerque
2101 Louisiana Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM
Marriott Anchorage Downtown
820 W. 7th Ave, Anchorage, AK
Marriott Birmingham
3590 Grandview Parkway, Birmingham, AL
Marriott Chicago O'Hare
8535 W Higgins Rd, Chicago, IL
Marriott Cincinnati Airport
2395 Progress Dr, Hebron, KY